
Plant-Based proteins

Time : 2020-09-09

Pea protein is actually one of the best plant-based forms of protein that you can eat. It is on par with the best of animal-derived powders and when flavoured and sweetened well, has a uniquely pleasant taste. Pea protein is more or less what it sounds like: protein extracted from peas. Specifically, it’s obtained by drying and grounding peas into a fine flour, mixing it with water, and extracting the fiber and starch, leaving mostly protein with a smattering of vitamins and minerals. This paste is then dried and ground into a fine powder, creating pea protein isolate, which provides a great deal of nutrition

Faba Bean Protein is a premium, non-dairy, pulse protein that is derived from 100% pure faba beans.

Faba Bean Protein is versatile and can be used as an added ingredient in everything from protein shakes to health-based recipes. High in both protein and fibre and completely allergen free, Faba Bean Protein is quickly gaining superstar status as a premium, dairy-free protein source.

The Faba Bean (also known as the broad bean) is one of the oldest superfoods in the world.

Faba Bean Protein is 100% natural and is suitable for both vegans and vegetarians

If you have interest, pls contact Qingdao Healthchem Biotech Co., Ltd. Email:

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